A specialist company Providing investors with direct exposure to the uranium market
21.68m lb Current holding of U3O8
Share price
Spot uranium price
green line


Realising value

Through our physical holding of uranium oxide concentrate (U3O8) and uranium-related commercial activities, we create an opportunity to realise value from long-term exposure to the uranium spot price in a low-risk, low-cost, liquid and publicly quoted vehicle.

Learn more      CEO View on uranium

Yellow Cake’s long-term partnership

with Kazatomprom is a key strategic advantage that provides access to material volumes of uranium at the prevailing market price.

Key highlights

Our investment case

Our strategy is to buy and hold physical U308,
providing investors with liquid exposure to the resurgent investment price.



Provides investors with exposure to the uranium spot price without the operating risks associated 
with exploration, development, mining or processing.



Positioned to benefit  from ongoing supply-side constraints and increasing nuclear energy demand.



A strong board 
and management committed to good governance and high ethical standards.



Yellow Cake creates liquidity for investors in a traditionally illiquid commodity.

Key information
What is Yellowcake
Yellowcake is a solid form of mixed uranium oxide that is generally yellow in colour. It is produced from uranium ore from mining or in-situ leaching. Yellowcake is shipped from the mine and processed at licenced facilities for conversion, enrichment and fabrication into nuclear fuel.